Can I get Carrier Appointments through Firefly?

So, you’re ready to go independent. You’ve got the plan, the skills, and the confidence to boot. Now it’s time to put yourself out there and get appointed—kind of like auditioning to work with carriers.
What you really want to know whether Firefly can get you appointed with so many insurance companies. The answer is almost always YES.
Firefly’s appointment method is different from other organizations, and we think you’ll love the benefits of our system.
How is Firefly different?
When signing up with other networks, clusters, and aggregators, they will do some of the work to help you put yourself out there. They will introduce you to a carrier and recommend that the carrier gives you an “audition.”
If the carrier agrees to let you try out, you’ll show them your business plan and discuss what past experience you have. If all goes well, you will get binding authority with that carrier (along with a production requirement.)
A network will typically recommend you to 3-5 carriers. You will be required to try out for each carrier you want to be appointed with.
When Signing up with Firefly, You Audition Once.
If we agree that we are a good fit for each other, you make the team. Then, because you are part of the agency, we simply notify the carriers that we have added you as a location. At this point, we expect them to appoint you.
Agents love this for a number of reasons:
- You don’t have to try out with each carrier individually. I’s just one and done!
- Carriers still need to run a background check, but as long as you don’t have DUI, a criminal record, or severe credit issues, you should get directly appointed with—not just access to—each carrier that operates in your state. (That’s many more carriers than you would get on your own or with a different network/cluster/aggregator.)
- You will not have any per-carrier production requirements.
How it works:
Want to know which carriers are in your state? This link will open in a new window, and let you choose your state, so you can see.
Be aware that if you are leaving Allstate or Farmers, your ability to get some companies (Encompass, American Modern, or Foremost) may be more difficult or even have to wait a year or two. But for most of our agents, the appointment process is fast and hassle-free.
- You don’t have to take our word for it! In this YouTube short, Dylan explains how quickly he got carriers when he partnered with Firefly:
With Firefly, you’ll get the carriers you need to succeed! We believe you can truly become one. IF you’re ready to take the next step, download the Firefly agent ebook.