It’s rare to see an insurance book of business for sale. Once agents have hit $500K in active premium all they have to do is maintain that premium level. Carriers do not pressure you to grow, which means you are not forced to sell or fully retire.
From an agent’s perspective it doesn’t make financial sense to sell. Instead, they can service the book with little effort and continue to get paid the residual income. Selling the agency for them would be like selling the goose that lays golden eggs. Would you do that?
There is rarely an agency listed here, but you are welcome to check for any available acquisition opportunities.
If you’d like to learn what makes Firefly different, and how you could build an agency that YOU won’t list here either, click this link, or on the “Grow Your Agency” button on the top of this page.
Modern Agent Resources
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Learning Center Articles
- The best way for agents to get carriers and sell commercial insurance
- Firefly’s tech stack fuels your agency’s growth
- Firefly’s Unique Money-back Guarantee
- Leave Anytime. Stay Because You Want To
- How to Get Appointed with Insurance Companies: You Need 3Things
- How to Know if Firefly is a Good Fit for You
- What Makes me a Good fit for Firefly?
- What if Agents had to go Back to What They Were Doing Before Firefly?
- To fee, or not to fee? That is an Easy Question!
- Carrier Infusion Beats Carrier Appointment Confusion
- Working Without Firefly is Like Eating Soup With a Knife or Fork
- Agency Autonomy: Work with Firefly While Keeping Your Own Appointments