Let's See If We're A Fit
By now you’ve researched us, and may be feeling like Firefly is a fit for what you’re looking for.
That’s terrific! The next step is for us to learn a bit about you and your plan to see if we’re a mutual fit.
In our ebooks, we explain what promises we will deliver to you.
In this application, you tell us about what you will deliver as an agent.
We’ll use this information to determine if your plan is a good fit for our carriers and Firefly. We will audit your book of business when you hit between 100k and 150k in premium. We will use the answers below as a measuring stick on whether or not you’re following through on your deliverables and ensure that the book you are growing is a good fit for your new carriers’ appetites. So please be as realistic as possible as you answer these questions.
We look forward to reading over your answers, and seeing if we’re going to be a mutual fit! After reading your answers, we’ll likely have several follow up conversations to get some additional info, as well as answer any questions that you may have.