Social Media Creation Resources

Free Images:
Image Editing Software:

Adobe Photoshop– The Photoshop APP, FREE and on your phone!
Canva– Canva App (Apple)– Canva App (Google)– Create invitations, business cards, social media posts and more!
Instasize– Image sizing and editing app
Lightroom App (Apple)– Lightroom App (Google)– Image organization and manipulation software (YouTube Tutorial)
Microsoft’s Snipping Tool– Take screen grabs on Microsoft
Picfont– Add text to images (YouTube Tutorial)
Video software:
Boomerang App (Apple)– Boomerang App (Google)– Create mini videos that loop back and forth.
Hyperlapse App (Apple)– Hyperlapse App (Google)– Create time-lapse videos

Create a Collage:
Layout App (Apple)– Layout App (Google)– Collage Creation App for you phone
BeFunky– Photo collage website. It also exists in application form for your smart devices.
Meme/GIF creators:
Imgflip– Meme generator
If you have additional free image creation tools, free image websites, or other resources you’d recommend for social media creation, email!