Two Great Paths for Writing Commercial Insurance

One fun thing about being an independent insurance agent is the ability to get more chances at writing commercial risks. 

Firefly agents have two great paths to write business insurance!

Two great paths to business insurance success
  1. An agent can specialize in 1-3 industries, becoming an expert in understanding, underwriting, quoting, winning, and servicing those industries. You can learn more about commercial specialization and field underwriting on other pages here in our Learning Center.
  2. All agents with Firefly can use our warm leads program. Simply put, it allows you to receive new business and renewal commission while the carrier does all of the quoting and service work.

The warm leads program lets you focus on your day-to-day operations and still have a shot at writing a variety of commercial accounts without having to learn the nuances and peculiarities of each industry so you can quote each risk.

Watch this short video to see exactly how it works:

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