How to Start a Low-Cost Insurance Agency

A green keyboard key reading "easy".

Starting an independent insurance agency requires time, dedication, and an upfront investment. For most agents, it’s a calculated decision that they expect will pay off […]

What are Your “What ifs?”

Close-up of a man in a blue and white stripped button down shirt speaking.

When you’re thinking about becoming an independent agent, your mind is full of “what ifs.” One should be: What if you don’t make a change? What […]

Why do Insurance Agents Fail?

A vintage black and white photo of a boxing match. One boxer stands victorious, his arm raised by the referee, while the other lies defeated on the canvas. The crowd watches intently in the background.

They say that failure isn’t fatal. But it still hurts! When you open your own independent insurance agency, we want to help you steer clear […]

About Having Insurance Producers

graphic of 4 people

Prospective agents often ask, “can I have people work as producers for me?” Here’s what you need to know: Many agents run successful agencies with […]

Are You a Good Fit for Firefly?

The more options you learn about as you figure out how to start your independent insurance agency, the more confused/overwhelmed you may feel: You may […]

E, I, E&O

Agents working with Firefly are required to have E&O coverage in the amount of at least $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate. There […]
